Simple Part Time Business Ideas That Work
Why are boomers looking for part time home businesses? Many are still engaged in full time work, or at least engaged in the business of looking for full time work. This same population is very concerned about paying off debt and increasing retirement savings.With some extra time, and a little room in the house, the boomer population is well suited to use their skills to generate some extra income. Besides, many people get a lot of satisfaction out of their “moonlighting” jobs which are usually more closely tied to their passions.
My critera for selecting ideas is pretty simple. I wanted to research part time business ideas that would not require a huge investment, are actually being done, and also did not require years of training. Your own prior background will determine which ideas would be better for you.
Tutoring & Teaching
You can dozens of opportunities to engage in some sort of teaching, tutoring, or training. Most people find this type of work safisfying, and it is a good way to earn more money by helping other people.Tutors – There are always students who need tutors and busy parents who would be happy to pay somebody for help. It helps if you happen to be good at high school Algebra, but many busy parents are happy to pay a tutor to help a third grader learn multiplication tables too.
Getting Started : There are a lot of way to promote your offers. You may start out by signing up with an existing tutoring service. There are man online and offline companies and franchises that exist to match students with tutors. This is a simple solution, however it will cost you.
You can also simply promote yourself with ads in shoppers papers, neighborhood newsletters, or cards on local community boards.
Trainers – Can use a popular accounting software program buid a simple website? Learning new computer skills is always in top demand. However, some people just want to learn how to cook a hearty vegetarian dinner or full course Asian meal. Handy people can teach simple home repairs too. If you know about faux painting or installing garbage diposals, you can find other people who want to learn. There is also a growing demand for exercise or dance classes if you have a particular specialty.
Some people even teach classes on overcoming some obstacle in life like divorce, a death, or unemployment.
You can market your teaching skills to individuals, clubs, or small businesses, depending upon the approach you want to take.
Get Started - After you have developed your class, you have a number of options. You may want to get listed in a local “leisure learning” brochure. This will, of course, mean that you hand over a portion of your income to the company that lines up the classes. You can also get an agent and get listed with a speaker’s bureas.
If you want to market yourself, you may try hitting up community centers, business networking groups, or the community newspaper. The particular tactic that will work best will depend upon you niche.
Generate Income From A Hobby
Lots of people spend a lot of money on their hobbies, but some move up to actually making a profit from a hobby they love. The different ways to do this vary by hobby, and of course, this is a good time to be creative.
Photography – Do you know how much wedding and special event photographers can make for a few hours of week-end work? This can be a very lucrative side gig. It is, however, a lot of responsibility and you should be very secure of your ability to take different types of photos for special events.
If you want less stress, you can sell photos online at companies like IStock. Websites and magazines often buy stock photos to illustrate their own articles or advertisements. You can get paid every time somebody wants one of yours!
Why Start Small?
Starting your home business as a part time venture, while you are still staying at your day job, involves a lot less risk. It also gives you the chance to see if you really like this business, and also to fine tune it, before you go full time!